
How to Fly on cheap flights from Newark to Miami?

Confused about the flight to book at the best rate from Newark to Miami? Visit Flights bird website to get a complete list of all flights operated by all the airlines on the particular date when you plan to travel. We understand you the details of only the cheap flights from Newark to Miami. A vast array of available flight tickets at the best rates is displayed for the user according to his/her search terms. Thus, the customer has no dearth of options and is guaranteed to get the best rates according to his/her budget. We offer the different reasonable rates on flight tickets by various airlines in the same place. This saves you time and energy spent on scouting various airline websites and other sources. The cheap rates ensure that whatever option you may choose, there is no chance of you spending a lot more than required.

 Flight options for direct flights from ewr to mia

Many airlines operate flights from Newark to Miami. The airlines include United Airlines, American Airlines, Alaska Airlines, and Delta Airlines. Although there are multiple flight options every day, Sunday has the maximum flights with 30 options. Monday, with 19 flights, has the least opportunities in a week. Therefore, Sunday is the best day to look for direct flights from ewr to mia. We also provide the best advice on other cheapest days to book flight tickets.

Facts about Miami

Miami is located in South Florida. It is the hub of financial, cultural and economic activities in South Florida. Miami is also a highly popular vacation destination. This is due to the blend of beaches, pleasant weather, entertainment, culture, sports, and history. The glamour and vibrant atmosphere of Miami also attracts tourists in droves. There is also no dearth of recreational opportunities in Miami. There are also many natural retreats around Miami for nature lovers.


Main tourist attractions

  • Miami Beach
  • South Beach
  • Jungle Island
  • Vizcaya Museum and Gardens
  • Shark Valley Visitor Center
  • Lummus Park Beach
  • Art Deco District
  • Bayside Marketplace
  • Zoo Miami
  • Everglades National Park
  • Bayfront Park
  • Coral Castle
  • Freedom Tower
  • Key Biscayne and Crandon Park
  • Miami Sea Aquarium
  • Frost Science Museum
  • Little Havana
  • American Airlines Arena
  • Ocean Drive
  • Deering Estate


Spring season is from March to May and is the best time to visit Miami. You can look up the various ewr to mia flights during these months. July is the hottest month in the year, and a visit in July must be avoided. To experience the cultural extravaganza of the city, the winter months from November to February are the best.

Airport location

Miami International Airport is the primary airport of Miami. The airport is located about 13 kilometers from downtown Miami. You can get to Miami city from the airport by train, city bus, commercial shuttle or taxi. It usually takes about 30-35 minutes to reach Miami city from the airport.

Distance and flight time

The distance between Newark Liberty International Airport and Miami International Airport is 1746 kilometers. The average flight time of direct flights from ewr to mia is about 2 hours 32 minutes. Extra time spent on tarmac, taxiing and reaching the destination gate after landing when added to the flight time, may add twenty odd minutes to the flight time.

The flights with 1 or more stoppages take much more time to reach Miami.

Why Flights bird?

Once you enter the various details such as departure date, return date, a number of adults and children, class of travel, etc. we search and provide a list of all the cheap flights from Newark to Miami which match the date and other details offered by you. Features such as departure time, arrival time and time of travel are all provided by us. You can also view the seating plan of the aircraft and other flight details on our website. You can sort the list in ascending or descending order of price or other factors such as departure time, arrival time, number of stops, etc. Just select the flight you want to book and go through a step by step booking process. Payment mode is safe and secure by credit card or PayPal.

Thus, regardless of whether you to book flights from EWR to MIA well in advance for a planned holiday or need cheap flight bookings within a short notice for a quick business trip, we provide the best services for you.

Read More: Cheap flights from Newark (EWR): Roundtrip Deals

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